Getting used to Gotland and the studies of Game Development

OK, time to replace the “Test ABC” entry with some actual content.

I’m two weeks in my Game Development programme. I will use my blog to  describe what the studies and personal experiences here are like. (If time permits, I may post a thing or two from actual game projects we’re working on. Anyway, that won’t happen anytime soon as we will only start working on real game projects at  the end of year one.)

I have some plans for documenting my progress, I mean the new exciting things I learn and other activities I may take up in Gotland. We’ll see about that.

So, Game Design … The very first two courses, Introduction to Game Design (IGD) and Communication Course, are as I expected just an introduction. In IGD we’re talking more about board games than actual video games (which is actually the reason why I came to Gotland in the first place) but I’m OK with that. I anticipated that intro to Game Design will be like that. They want us to see video games as part of a broader category – a system whose purpose is to entertain and do it in an effective, self-coherent way. Like I said, no problem with that.

Communication Course is about composing various types of texts in Swedish. Just the usual university stuff towards becoming proficient in expressing yourself at “academic” level.

My group will play Dungeons and Dragons as part of the IGD course. There’s a lot of group work involved.

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